Tuesday 14 June 2011

Trend Micro - an awful company to deal with

Trend Micro Pacific House
Parkway, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1YL
016284 00500

Has anyone had the same awful experience I have had with TREND MICRO?

I am working away at work quite happily when all of a sudden my emails to suppliers and customers start to bounce back, with a message telling me Trend Micro have decided to block my emails until they hear from my ISP! What a cheek - just because they are an American company I suppose....

They suggest I have been asked to explain the spam but have not responded. Well we are very easy to contact - and I have not received any emails - unless of course my spam filter thought they were a malicious email!!

So I call the office - and get thru to someone in Ireland struggling with English to explain. I get given an email - to rbl@mail-abuse.com. Guess what - yes - it bounces back.

I am completely irritated by such systems and companies that play God in this way. Guilty until proven innocent and dealt with so heavy handed and insensitively. Good job they are not in Government isn't it?

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