Friday 19 November 2010

Thames Water

Thames Water
We have been contacted by Thames Water who have confirmed their commitment to taking steps to tackle leakage from pipes in our borough ahead of what they believe could be another colder than average winter.

They have stated that they have made significant progress having hit four consecutive annual leakage targets, but they recognise that they have more work to do on their ageing network.  The problem is apparently worse during the winter months as water drops below 5OC which leads to a dramatic increase in leakage  and pipes burst as the cast iron pipes contract.   They intend to step up their activity over the coming weeks and throughout the winter as this will enable them not only to get a large reduction in leakage but also to tackle problems before they become more significant and disruptive.  They believe it will also minimise leakage to road surfaces and be less disruptive to road users.

We are likely to see more activity on the ground and they are asking for our understanding and support and they will do all they can to minimise disruption to residents and streets.  They have also confirmed their intention to provide more detailed plans as soon as they become available and I will ensure that you are kept informed.

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