Tuesday 24 April 2007

Hampshire County Council Roads blunder

It is difficult to believe that in this day of modern communications, when it has never been easier to communicate no matter where you are or what you are doing, that public bodies still appear not to have caught up with the rest of us.

Now you and I would think co-ordinating road works between the Council and Utility Companies would be simple. A web page accessed by all, that simply correlates every ones work, led by the County Council Highway Section, who would ensure their resurfacing and maintenance programme is not compromised by Utility Companies coming and digging up roads after a brand new road surface is laid.

No so. The County has put their hands up to a blunder - they forgot to tell the Utility Companies about some new road dressings in our ward. As a consequence, it is being dug up as I speak, days after being laid!!! The dilemma has not ended. There are more roads that have been resurfaced that need digging up!! The reason is that the Gas people need to lay pipes following new legislation from Europe.

So there you have it Europe and the County. Which is why I for one would like to see us have a local Council that is responsible for all services rather than having this silly County and Borough divide. And why I also want to be part of a European Union of friends without political interferrence in our lives here. The beauty of Europe for me is that I can travel and enjoy all the differences - I do not want us to try and be some sort of super state trying to be another America. The less we imitate others the better as far as I am concerned.

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